Saturday, August 25, 2007

Reed Hillman

Reed Hillman has been in the news lately. The Boston Herald printed this editorial about his being passed over for an appointment as a US marshal.

Marshal nominee getting the shaft
Massachusetts remains without a permanent U.S. marshal, and Reed Hillman - the more-than-qualified former State Police colonel nominated to the post by President Bush - is now apparently sitting home in Sturbridge, his job prospects once again thrown into uncertainty.

Thanks to the political blind-spot that U.S. Sens. John Kerry and Ted Kennedy have for any of this president’s nominees, Hillman’s shot at getting the marshal’s job appears dead.
The entire article can be viewed here.

It's also covered by the Worcester County Freedom Trail in a post titled:
"Shame on Kennedy and Kerry…Once Again"
It’s not often that I heartily agree with Dianne Williamson. But this time she hit the nail on the head.
Those words have to grab your attention, huh? Especially on a Republican blog!

There is also commentary at Hub Politics.
Reed Hillman: Victim of Partisan Politics
When the Democrats promised a "new era of bipartisanship," apparently their version of "bipartisanship" means blocking President Bush's nominees for no reason other than that they were nominated by President Bush. And our own Reed Hillman has become the latest victim of the Democrats' "new era of bipartisanship."


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